Monday, January 11, 2010

The wave of the near future seems to be that we are going to try to solve our Nation’s credit woes with investment by Foreign National Entrepreneurs w

However, it is interesting to note that the EB-5 Investor Green Card Program has been, and continues to be, mired with a myriad of issues. In fact, from the “usage” statistics, it is interesting to note the number of these applications that continue to be denied by the CIS over the years.

Our Firm continues to work with clients to determine whether, in fact, the EB-5 Investor Green Card Program is the “right fit” for everyone.

There may be ways for foreign nationals to make investments in the U.S. and get nonimmigrant works visas and ultimately a green card without tying-up capital.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that EB5 is not for everyone. I am in China and we have a number of clients who are so afraid of this. There are many concerns for them including of course of the number of denials at the initial point combined with the added fear of not having the conditions removed after the two year period.
    So, we advise our clients about other avenues such as L1 and EB1c which make the client a bit more comfortable.
    The one problem we find is the ever changing decision making processes at the USCIS and of course with the consulate interview here.
    One thing that we try to get a feeling for is when we do EB1c where we have a chinese company buying a majority share of the US company is what kind of strength the agency is wanting from the Chinese company, ie, such a minimum capital requirement of the foreign company.

    Do you have any thoughts about what that might be? We try to make sure our Chinese clients are very strong but we also have some smaller companies looking to do this as well.
